Membership Membership


Voting Members

(Membership as of Fall 2024)


Andrew Glenn
Chair & Member

Karyn Moyer
Member & Secretary (Liberal Arts) Term 2 - Year 1

Member (Liberal Arts) Term 2 - Year 3

Giovanni Scaringi 
Member (Liberal Arts) Term 1 - Year 1

Member, (STEM) Term 1 - Year 2

Julie Tracy
Member, (Health Sciences) Term 1 - Year 1

Non-Voting Members

The Chief Academic Officer, Senior Associate to the EVP/CAO, Dean of each academic division, Dean of Institutional Effectiveness, and the Registrar shall have non-voting permanent membership.

Membership Guidelines Membership Guidelines


General Education Committee Membership

Voting Members

  • 3 voting members: Liberal Arts Division
  • 1 voting member: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Division
  • 1 voting member: Business and Professional Services Division
  • 1 voting member: Health Sciences Division

Conditions of Membership

  • The Dean will appoint voting members to represent their Division.
  • Term of membership for voting members shall be three years.
  • Voting members should decide on a membership schedule that ensures all voting membership terms do not expire at the same time.
  • Announcements for upcoming vacancies to be sent to the Academic Deans prior to the end of the spring semester, by mid-April.
  • Appointments to fill vacancies for the next academic year shall be in place prior to the end of the spring semester. Newly appointed members will be invited to the last meeting of the academic year.
  • Voting members are limited to two consecutive three year terms (6 years total). A former voting member may return to the committee as a voting member after a period of one year.
  • If a voting member resigns, the Dean of that Division may choose a replacement to serve the remainder of that member's term.

Expectations of Members

  • Members shall serve with the expectation of:
  • Consistent attendance at scheduled meetings.
  • Review and evaluation of course proposals, recommendations, and comittee documents and correspondence.
  • Representation of their divisional constituents' opinions.
  • Engaged deliberation regarding General Education Committee issues.
  • Active correspondence with their constituents and respective division deans.
  • Active facilitation of faculty during the development process of new or existing courses to meet SUNY General Education and Middle States guidelines.
  • Active participation in the SUNY General Education and Middle States assessment processes.


  • The General Education Committee will have two officers: a Chair and Secretary.
  • Officers shall be elected by majority vote of current voting members at the last General Education Committee meeting of the academic year.
  • Officers must be voting members of the committee, and will have the same voting privileges of other voting members.
  • The Secretary shall serve a one year term.
  • The Chair shall serve a term of three years.
  • If an officer resigns, the committee shall elect a replacement by majority vote of voting members.
  • Should the committee be unable to elect an officer, the CAO/EVP will be requested to appoint an interim chair.

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