Get Microsoft Office for your class Get Microsoft Office for your class
Get Microsoft Office at an educational price
Here are three sources to obtain Microsoft Office at an educational price. The first is UBMicro which is affiliated with the University of Buffalo. There are two delivery options, download and mail order. The instructions below are for the download delivery option. The second option is a Microsoft sponsored site called theultimatesteal. And the third option is the BCC campus shop.
Getting Microsoft Office from UBMicro (University of Buffalo)
1) Click on “Login” at the top of the window
2) In the “Sign in as Guest” box choose “Student” and “Broome Community College
3) Click the “Sign in” button
4) Choose the “PRODUCTS” menu
5) Choose Software then “– Downloadable Software –
6) Choose “Microsoft Office 2010 Professional Plus for Windows” (32 bit or 64 bit)
7) If you are unsure about whether to pick 32bit or 64 bit, choose 32 bit
Getting Microsoft Office from Microsoft
Getting Microsoft Office from BCC Campus Shop
BCC Campus shop in the Student Center Building near the cafeteria
You can help future BCC students by emailing me your experiences with these sources and/or provide other legal sources that I could post. My email address is